
Showing posts from October, 2017
      What Sounds Extremely wrong, But It is actually correct. There was one frog, mistakenly fallen into a pan full of boiling water. No animals were harmed in the making of this answer. Biologically, frog has tendency to change the temperature of his/her skin according to the external temperature. So, the frog adjusted it's body temperature according to the boiling water. Water temperature rises, again the frog changes it's body temperature. Gradually, the water temperature became so high that it couldn't tolerate it anymore. So, it started doing the only thing it could do- Jump from the pan. But   tragedy happens, the frog died. Now, the question is- who killed the frog? You may say boiling water had killed it. But, what if I tell you that the frog died because of itself only! Sounds extremely wrong? Here's why- “The frog can jump from the pan, right at the moment he fallen into the pan, but he chooses to stay in it because he