Trees that reduce Global Warming in the World.



Trees that reduce Global Warming in the World.

1. Yellow Poplar
Status: Some species are available in India i.e. G48, W22 varieties
weather : cold/mountain/ rainy/ In Punjab plain these are grown commercially.
It is common along the Himalayan Lowlands (or Tulip Tree), the top carbon-store in one New York City study, works hard under rough conditions.
2. Silver Maple
Status:Not available in India
weather : cold/mountain
can trap nearly 25,000 pounds of CO2 in a 55 year period, according to the Centre for Urban Forests.
3. Oak
Status: Widely available in India
weather : cold/mountain
It is common along the Himalayan mountains
(White Oak, Willow Oak, Laurel Oak and Scarlet Oak) has adapted to thrive in many climates, provides food and shelter to wildlife.
4. Horse Chestnut
Status: Some species are widely available in India
weather : cold/mountain/ rainy/ hot and humid (northern plains)
It is common along the Himalayan Lowlands, between Kashmir and Western Nepal at elevations between 900 and 3,000 metres.
Grows well in cities; its domed top provides exceptional shade which offers passive cooling benefits. Its leaves are used as cattle fodder in parts of Northern India
5. Red Mulberry
Status: Some species are widely available in India
weather : cold/mountain/ rainy/ hot and humid (northern plains)
provides the added benefit of delicious seasonal fruit.
6. London Plane aka Chinar ka ped
Status: Available in India in Kashmir
weather : cold/mountain
is an excellent choice for urban planning, very tolerant of pollution and root-cramping, resistant to cold and disease.
7. American Sweet gum
Status:Not available in India
weather : cold/mountain
has brilliant fall colours, is large and long-lived. In the north, consider American Linden instead.
8. Dogwood
Status: Not available in India
weather : Dry/ Humid and warm
offers lovely seasonal flowers; this and other particularly dense trees like Black Walnut can store more carbon in a smaller tree.
9. Blue Spruce/ Christmas Tree.
Status: Available in India
weather : cold/mountain
widely introduced as an ornamental, thrives in most northern regions; in the Pacific Northwest, Douglas Fir also excels.
10. Pines.
Status: Available in India
weather : cold/mountain
(White, Red, Ponderous and Hispaniola) are the most carbon-effective conifer; find out which is right for your zone.
note :
For the first time i have uploaded so many picture in my answer.
any feedback for changes would be welcomed.
